Look For These Time-Sensitive Deals Before You Shop For A Car

Posted on: 14 June 2017

When your current car is written off in an accident or breaks down and isn't worth repairing, you'll need to buy a new car quickly. However, if you're not in a rush to buy your vehicle, it can be advantageous to look for certain time-sensitive deals before you begin shopping. While you can always negotiate the purchase price of your chosen vehicle to get a deal that you favor, starting this negotiation when the price of the vehicle has already been lowered can work in your favor. Here are some times that it can pay off financially to shop for a car.

Manufacturer Rebates

At certain times of the year, your local dealerships may advertise manufacturer rebates on certain vehicles. This means that if you buy a vehicle that meets the requirements, you may get money back from the manufacturer. Such deals can vary considerably, but it's common to have the list price dropped right away as a way of passing savings along to the customer. Even with a manufacturer rebate in effect, you shouldn't shy away from negotiating the purchase price of the vehicle until it suits your budget — and the end result can get you the vehicle you want at the price you can afford.

Family Pricing

Many dealers will also offer promotions known as "family pricing" one or more times a year. The premise behind this promotion is that the average customer can buy a vehicle for the same price as a family member of a dealership employee. The result can be a significant amount of savings for the customer, making this an ideal time to begin shopping for your vehicle. Sometimes, multiple dealerships will offer this type of promotion at the same time to compete with one another, which means that you can browse the vehicles at each dealership and find one that suits you.

New Model Year

You'll also commonly come across promotions that occur in advance of the dealership putting vehicles from the new model year on the lot. This means that the dealership is eager to sell the vehicles from the previous model year to "make room for" the new vehicles, and this scenario can help you to save money. For example, if the 2017 models have been out for a long time, the dealership may be preparing to start selling 2018 models; in many cases, the 2017 vehicles will have their sticker prices dropped.
