4 Cool Features To Look For In Your Next Used Car

Posted on: 13 March 2019

If you are driving a car that is getting close to the twenty-year-old mark, you are in for a surprise when start shopping for a newer used car. Used cars on the market today are full of advanced features that enhance the driving experience.

#1: LED Lights

LED lights have gone from something of an oddity to the mainstream. LED lights are great for cars because they can last for decades. LED lights also produce just the right glow when used in your dashboard. LED lights have become more common for lights both the inside and outside of your vehicle. If changing light bulbs is not your thing, look for a vehicle equipped with LED lights.

#2: Numerous Driving Modes

When you drive, you have different needs. Maybe you are driving in the city and are trying to conserve gas. Perhaps you are driving on the freeway and want to be able to let loose and enjoy the open road and feel like you are driving a sports car. Maybe you need a little more traction as you navigate some tricky back roads.

If you feel like your driving needs change frequently, look for a vehicle that offers different driving modes. Many vehicles started offering an economy driving mode for city driving needs. Over time, more vehicles have incorporated various driving modes, from economy mode to sports mode to off-road modes. Think about how you drive and find a car that offers you the option to drive how you want to.

#3: A Warm Steering Wheel

With all these upgrades, it feels only natural that the steering wheel should get some attention. After all, heated seats have now been around for decades. Heated steering wheels are the new heated feature in cars. Heated steering wheels make it easier to grip the steering wheel and get on the road when it is cold outside, and they have the added benefit of being a great hand warmer. Heated steering wheels have made their way into mainstream cars and are a feature you should look for if you like having warm hands.

#4: Power-Operated Seats

Manually-operated front seats are becoming a thing of the past. Over the past decade, powered seats have become standard even in the smallest vehicle models. Power-operated front seats are not only a nice feature -- they can also be considered a safety feature. You can easily adjust your power-operated front seats even when you are driving, ensuring that you are always comfortable and as safe as possible.

As you start the search for your new used Lexus, keep an eye out for cool features that make driving more enjoyable for you. Features such as heated steering wheels, power-operated seats, and extra driving modes are cool features you can find even in base-level used cars.
